Learn how Neon billing works to save you money
New pricing plans
On February 19th, 2024, Neon will launch new, simplified pricing plans. You can see the details of all the plans here.
Find all the documentation you need to understand, manage, and optimize the features and metrics that contribute to your monthly Neon bill.
Pricing calculators and billing overview
Start with our pricing calculators to get a sense of how different compute and storage sizes can affect your bill. Then get more detail about the underlying metrics.
Pricing calculators
Our pricing calculator and cost estimator tools help you estimate your next Neon bill
Billing overview
Quick introduction to how billing works in Neon
Find detailed definitions of the metrics that make up your bill and a cost breakdown for compute, storage, and data transfer rates for your region.
Billing metrics
Find detailed descriptions of the metrics that make up your bill
Billing rates
Reference table of billing rates per region
Manage billing
Find information about invoices, payment methods, and other actions around viewing and managing your bill. Plus a sample project that can help you understand how billing works in a model scenario.
Last updated on