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Connect a Rust application to Neon

Set up a Neon project in seconds and connect from a Rust application

This guide describes how to create a Neon project and connect to it from a Rust application.

  1. Create a Neon project
  2. Configure the connection

Create a Neon project

If you do not have one already, create a Neon project. Save your connection string and password. They are required when defining connection settings.

To create a Neon project:

  1. Navigate to the Projects page in the Neon Console.
  2. Click New Project.
  3. Specify your project settings and click Create Project.

Configure the connection

Add the Neon connection details to your main.rs file, as in the following example:

use postgres::Client;use openssl::ssl::{SslConnector, SslMethod};use postgres_openssl::MakeTlsConnector;use std::error;fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {    let builder = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls())?;    let connector = MakeTlsConnector::new(builder.build());    let mut client = Client::connect("postgres://[user]:[password]@[neon_hostname]/[dbname]?sslmode=require", connector)?;    for row in client.query("SELECT 42", &[])? {        let ret : i32 = row.get(0);        println!("Result = {}", ret);    }    Ok(())}

You can find all of the connection details listed above in the Connection Details widget on the Neon Dashboard. For more information, see Connect from any application.

Need help?

Join our Discord Server to ask questions or see what others are doing with Neon. Neon Pro Plan users can open a support ticket from the console. For more detail, see Getting Support.

Last updated on

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